Inside F#

Brian's thoughts on F# and .NET

Connected component labeling in F#

Posted by Brian on May 12, 2008

Kirill recently posted a blog about connected component labeling in C#.  He also asked for solutions in other languages, so of course I had to code it in F#.

You can read his blog for more info, but the gist is, given a black and white grid, do a "flood fill" of each section with a different random color.  Here’s a sample before-and-after screenshot:


There are slider controls which let you control both the size of the initial black-and-white grid and the "white percentage".  So here’s a bigger example that starts off mostly white:


When you move the sliders you get a new black-and-white grid, and then when you click the button, it colors it.  Get the idea?  Cool and fun.

Anyway, I shamelessly stole all Kirill’s UI code, transliterated it to F#, and then implemented the Union-Find algorithm Kirill had mentioned, and it seems to be blazingly fast.  So I present for your enjoyment, without further commentary, the F# code:

open System 

// A partition is a mutable set of values, where one arbitrary value in the set 
// is chosen as the canonical representative for that set. 
type Partition<'a>(orig : 'a) as this =  
    [<DefaultValue(false)>] val mutable parent : Partition<'a> 
    [<DefaultValue(false)>] val mutable rank : int 
    let rec FindHelper(x : Partition<'a>) = 
        if Object.ReferenceEquals(x.parent, x) then 
            x.parent <- FindHelper(x.parent) 
    do this.parent <- this 
    // The representative element in this partition 
    member this.Find() = 
    // Merges two partitions 
    member this.Union(other : Partition<'a>) = 
        let thisRoot = this.Find() 
        let otherRoot = other.Find() 
        if thisRoot.rank < otherRoot.rank then 
            otherRoot.parent <- thisRoot 
        elif thisRoot.rank > otherRoot.rank then 
            thisRoot.parent <- otherRoot 
        elif not (Object.ReferenceEquals(thisRoot, otherRoot)) then 
            otherRoot.parent <- thisRoot 
            thisRoot.rank <- thisRoot.rank + 1 
    // The original value of this element 
    member this.Value = orig 

open System.Diagnostics 
open System.Windows.Forms  
open System.Drawing 

let random = new Random() 
type Info() =  
    let mutable iMax = 1 
    let mutable jMax = 1 
    // The original grid (true = white) 
    let mutable grid = Array2D.create iMax jMax true                                   
    // Connected components 
    let mutable colorField = Array2D.create iMax jMax (new Partition<_>(Color.White))  
    // Initialize() resets the data and returns a white/black array 
    member this.Initialize pctWhite size = 
        iMax <- size 
        jMax <- size 
        grid <- Array2D.init iMax jMax (fun _ _ -> float (random.Next(100)) < 100.0 * pctWhite) 
        colorField <- Array2D.init iMax jMax (fun _ _ ->  
            new Partition<_>(Color.FromArgb(random.Next(256), random.Next(256), random.Next(256)))) 
        Array2D.init iMax jMax (fun i j -> if grid.[i,j] then Color.White else Color.Black) 
    // Connect() connects components, and returns a tuple (numConnectedComponents, newColorArray) 
    member this.Connect() = 
        // connect components... 
        for i in 0 .. iMax-1 do 
            for j in 0 .. jMax-1 do 
                if i <> 0 then 
                    if grid.[i-1,j] = grid.[i,j] then 
                if j <> 0 then 
                    if grid.[i,j-1] = grid.[i,j] then 
                if i <> iMax-1 then 
                    if grid.[i+1,j] = grid.[i,j] then 
                if j <> jMax-1 then 
                    if grid.[i,j+1] = grid.[i,j] then 
        // ... count how many there are, and pick a color for each component 
        let h = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<_>() 
        let theField = Array2D.init iMax jMax (fun i j -> 
            let rep = colorField.[i,j].Find() 
            h.Add(rep) |> ignore 
            rep.Value  // color of representative element 
        (h.Count, theField) 
// the UI 
type Form1() as this = 
    inherit Form()
    let Drawing = new PictureBox(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Top ||| AnchorStyles.Bottom  
                                           ||| AnchorStyles.Left ||| AnchorStyles.Right), 
                                 Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 12), 
                                 Name = "Drawing", 
                                 Size = new System.Drawing.Size(485, 405), 
                                 TabIndex = 0, 
                                 TabStop = false) 
    let FindComponents = new Button(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Right), 
                                    Location = new System.Drawing.Point(358, 538), 
                                    Name = "FindComponents", 
                                    Size = new System.Drawing.Size(139, 37), 
                                    TabIndex = 2, 
                                    Text = "Find components", 
                                    UseVisualStyleBackColor = true) 
    let PercentageSlider = new TrackBar(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Left  
                                                  ||| AnchorStyles.Right), 
                                        LargeChange = 2, 
                                        Location = new System.Drawing.Point(176, 423), 
                                        Maximum = 40, 
                                        Name = "PercentageSlider", 
                                        Size = new System.Drawing.Size(321, 53), 
                                        TabIndex = 3, 
                                        Value = 20) 
    let label1 = new Label(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Left), 
                           AutoSize = true, 
                           Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 434), 
                           Name = "label1", 
                           Size = new System.Drawing.Size(124, 17), 
                           TabIndex = 4, 
                           Text = "White percentage:") 
    let label2 = new Label(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Left), 
                           AutoSize = true, 
                           Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 470), 
                           Name = "label2", 
                           Size = new System.Drawing.Size(71, 17), 
                           TabIndex = 6, 
                           Text = "Field size:") 
    let FieldSizeSlider = new TrackBar(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Left  
                                                 ||| AnchorStyles.Right), 
                                       LargeChange = 2, 
                                       Location = new System.Drawing.Point(176, 470), 
                                       Maximum = 100, 
                                       Minimum = 1, 
                                       Name = "FieldSizeSlider", 
                                       Size = new System.Drawing.Size(321, 53), 
                                       TabIndex = 5, 
                                       Value = 5) 
    let Status = new Label(Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom ||| AnchorStyles.Left), 
                           AutoSize = true, 
                           Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 538), 
                           Name = "Status", 
                           Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 17), 
                           TabIndex = 7) 
    let mutable field = Array2D.create 1 1 Color.White  // the array we will Draw 
    let Draw (canvas : Control) (graphics : Graphics) = 
        let width  = float32 canvas.ClientSize.Width 
        let height = float32 canvas.ClientSize.Height 
        let iMax = Array2D.length1 field 
        let jMax = Array2D.length2 field 
        let iMaxFloat = float32 iMax 
        let jMaxFloat = float32 jMax 
        for i in 0 .. iMax-1 do 
            for j in 0 .. jMax-1 do 
                let w = width / iMaxFloat 
                let h = height / jMaxFloat 
                use brush = new SolidBrush(field.[i, j]) 
                graphics.FillRectangle(brush, w * float32 i, h * float32 j, w, h) 
    let info = new Info() 

    do this.InitializeComponent() 

    member this.Repaint() = Drawing.Invalidate() 

    member private this.Form1_Resize sender e = 
        let maxFieldSize = Math.Max(5, Math.Min(Drawing.ClientSize.Width, Drawing.ClientSize.Height)) 
        FieldSizeSlider.Maximum <- maxFieldSize 

    member private this.FindComponents_Click sender e = 
        let stopwatch = new Stopwatch() 
        let count, newField = info.Connect() 
        field <- newField 
        Status.Text <- sprintf "Found %d connected components, took %dms" count stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds  

    member this.Regenerate() = 
        let size = FieldSizeSlider.Value 
        let pct = float PercentageSlider.Value / float PercentageSlider.Maximum 
        field <- info.Initialize pct size 
        Status.Text <- sprintf "%d x %d, White:%f" size size pct 

    member private this.InitializeComponent() = 
        (Drawing :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 
        (PercentageSlider :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 
        (FieldSizeSlider :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 
        Drawing.Paint.AddHandler(fun s e -> Draw (Drawing :> Control) e.Graphics) 
        FindComponents.Click.AddHandler(new EventHandler(this.FindComponents_Click)) 
        PercentageSlider.Scroll.AddHandler(fun s e -> this.Regenerate()) 
        FieldSizeSlider.Scroll.AddHandler(fun s e -> this.Regenerate()) 
        this.AcceptButton <- FindComponents 
        this.AutoScaleDimensions <- new System.Drawing.SizeF(float32 8, float32 16) 
        this.AutoScaleMode <- System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font 
        this.ClientSize <- new System.Drawing.Size(509, 587) 
        this.DoubleBuffered <- true 
        this.Name <- "Form1" 
        this.StartPosition <- System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen 
        this.Text <- "Find connected components" 
        this.Resize.AddHandler(new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Resize)) 
        (Drawing :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 
        (PercentageSlider :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 
        (FieldSizeSlider :> System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 

    Application.Run(new Form1())

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